Celtic Knot Conference 2017 in Edinburgh
The Celtic Knot Conference 6 July 2017 is the first Wikipedia Language conference organised in collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and Wikimedia UK focusing on supporting Celtic & Indigenous Languages. Watch this 3 minute video to find out what the Celtic Knot is all about.
Wikimedia Norge is supporting Wikipedias in three languages: Norwegian Bokmål (460,000 articles), Norwegian Nynorsk (130,000 articles) and Northern Sami (7,000 articles). The two Norwegian varieties are Germanic languages, while Northern Sami is an indigenous language in the Uralic language family. Northern Sami is spoken in Norway, Sweden and Finland, and is by far the biggest of several living Sami languages. In Norway about 25,000 people speak Northern Sami, but far fewer are able to write in the language. The Northern Sami Wikipedia currently has no active contributors, and Wikimedia Norge is looking into building a project to revitalize the Northern Sami Wikipedia.
This conference gave us an unique opportunity to learn from the representatives from different Celtic & Indigenous language Wikipedias. We hosted a workshop with a short introduction: How to kickstart a dead Wikipedia?, followed by these questions that where discussed in 3 facilitated groups:
- Where do we start with no active community?
- What kinds of institutional partners should we seek?
- What activities should we prioritize?
- How can we best support a language with limited resources?
- What have been the biggest challenges for similar projects supported by Wikimedia UK and other related entities?
- What are the pitfalls, things to avoid?
Notes from the etherpad used during the workshop can be read here.

Jon Harald Søby and Astrid Carlsen
You can read our presentation here
Kategori: Blogg, Innlegg forside, Nordsamisk Wikipedia, Northern Sami Wikipedia, Nyheter, Sámegiel Wikipediai