Call for submissions: Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference

The Call for Submissions for the Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference 2021 is open and runs until 15 April!
We are looking for your most imaginative ideas for how we can host a variety of interesting, engaging, and enlightening talks, workshops, presentations, and events. Are you a Wikidata, Commons, Translation Tool, or other wizard, and you want to help new editors get involved through Arctic Knot? Have you been trying something so innovative that you would like to share with the Wikimedia community?
Then send your submission to bring that event to the Arctic Knot and come work with others engaged with underrepresented and indigenous languages! We want to learn about your experiences, hear your stories and get updates from your language community!
The conference will take place 24–25 June 2021 and will be fully remote.
At the Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference we want to look at the future of indigenous and underrepresented languages and their presence and use on the Wikimedia projects. The conference will provide space and focus for indigenous and underrepresented languages communities to connect, learn from each other, and collaborate.
Do you have any questions? Please reach out to
We are looking forward to reading your submission!
Kategori: Arctic Knot, Blogg, FNs tiår for urfolksspråk 2022-2032, Innlegg forside, Internasjonalt, Northern Sami Wikipedia, Nyheter
Stikkord: #ArcticKnot #IndigenousLanguages #Wikipedia